Monday, November 3, 2008

A new release of my test topic

......An awful experience ever I had when I was 19th age. The worst experience happened when I lost in the medal of the desert alone, while I tried exanimate my 4×4 car.

...... After short period of exciting driving, I realized that I had gone far away of the road, and I was facing many problems.
First of all, the car’s fuel was low which means I couldn’t lose it in a wrong way, so I had to stop the car to safe the gas until I be sure for which way is the right. moreover, I tried to figured out the right way for example sometimes I claimed small mounts to see the road or any people, and sometimes I follow animals steps.

...... The second problem for the horrible experience, when the night came and the sky turned to dark, which is imposable to know the direction. At that time, I felt scared spicily when I heard sound like dogs’ barks and I imagined white people cross my road.

...... Finally, the worse things happened some time together, because the single was weak and I tried many times to connect friends, the cell-phone ran away of battery, which I couldn’t call anyone for help.

...... When I lost in the medal of the desert alone, it was the bad experience on my life because my car ran away of gas and the night came; in addition, the cell phone didn’t work. Now For all these, I never go out to desert alone or with out any Preparations.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Journal # 3: Television And radio

.... Today, the technology such as Television and radio became part of our life, these two are similar in usual, but there are a variety of differences. First, television uses more Sensory than radio, which is more effective on the recipients. Moreover, the number of the people how watching the television in all age such as kids, adult, and senior is bigger than those people how listen to the radio. On the other hand, people can carry a small advice and listen to the radio everywhere and that not the same in watching television. Finally, both of the television and radio have many differences that is completed each other and give choices for people still up date in even though they are stay home or in the car or everywhere.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Journal # 2 :Vancouver homelessness problems

The beautiful city Vancouver faces a big challenge with homelessness. It’ is one of the biggest problems in Vancouver. The Homeless spread all over the city especially in the center of the city.
Due to
CTV Channel the population of homeless in Vancouver is growing, it may triple by 2010; however, the problem is not static which need finding short-term solution to stop the grown and long-term solution to finish it.

The second cause to solve the problem immediately is the 2010 Olympics. There will be 2.3 million visitors, who come to visit Vancouver and other cities, and the expected impression when they see the huge number of homelessness will be negative.

Last thing about the cause of challenge is the crimes, it’s incontestable that where is poor there is crime. People can control themselves so long as the find the minimum thing help them to live but if the can’t find it, and they feel them live in dangerous, they lost the control and do any thing to save it, which could be dangerous to others people.

In short, Vancouver needs speedily act to solve homelessness as fast as it can to still the beautiful city that we know it.
Always remember: a little of your mercy are a much of them hope.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Journal1:My English Language program

My English language program at ELI is the right choice to prepare me to the university. In 2006, I lost around three months in Australia studied English there because the institute was not qualified.

ELI institute offers different levels for each skill. That means; it could be have a high level in skill but not necessary the other skill will be in seem level; which is easy to focus on each skill alone, and that gives enough chance to improve it.

Moreover, the institute is one of continuing study programs under the supervision of the university, which makes it more professional and qualify because the institute’s aims will be not seem as the economy schools. As far as I concern, I see the institute is working to develop teachers’ skills, which the benefits go back to students.

In deed, ELI is the right of option to learn English for the academic studies in perfect environment, which makes the studying useful.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello World

Hi there, it is first blog I ever had it. For long time, I was thinking, if I should have a blog or not. Day after day, blogs come popular in my country and other countries; in addition, my teacher asked to published our journals on the internet, so I decided to start now, and the most challenge I'll be face it the blog will be in English!